CLBC Host Agency Services
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IFRC proudly works alongside the What If Foundation, a registered charity dedicated to building individualized funding. You can donate to the What If Foundation by clicking the donate button.

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Adult Services

The Individualized Funding Resource Centre (IFRC) Society’s facilitated services have been designed to provide our clients, who are persons with developmental disabilities, with tailored service models created to support the unique needs of adults and their families.

The IFRC is committed to continued learning and growth and as a service agency, we prioritize community inclusion for adults by focusing on supporting the adult’s goals and strengthening their support network so that each person may direct their own life and live with respect and dignity.

When a person feels that community is invested in their success, their overall wellbeing is enriched. Personal growth for adults leads to enhancing abilities and development, with self assuredness so they may explore new opportunities for recreation, volunteerism, and employment. By focussing on the Person Centred Plans, an adult increases self esteem and their confidence, to connect with the community on a more personal level.

All families are welcome to explore what creative models we can use to support your unique situation. If you feel that the IFRC may be a good fit for you, you are welcome to contact our office directly to review your particular situation. 

Our Beginnings

Long before the Individualized Funding Resource Centre Society was founded, the society’s team worked with people with disabilities to achieve, and enhance, their independence by helping them overcome systemic barriers.

As our services have expanded to include CLBC clients, the adults and their families benefit from this broad range of expertise and a team of people who are passionate about community inclusion for all. Recognizing that each person is unique, we are able to personalize our service delivery models to best suit their needs and wishes for growth and success in the community.

Our Philosophy

We Are Community. Every person’s relationship brings diversity and meaningful connections to Accessibility, Inclusion and value to the community and with loved ones. Being a part of a community is having access to the full support of services and resources so that full participation is achieved and enhanced. Strength comes from unity and self value, and we at the IFRC ensures that each person feels they are a valuable member of their community.

Home Share Services

Individualized funding is an option for adults and their families to receive the support they require to live community inclusive, quality lives with independence and opportunities for growth. The adult receives person centred support so they can develop their goals and choose a service model that meets their needs and wishes.

The adult may choose to live with their family, with a roommate, or a home share. Person centred support enables the adult to live independently with the support to experience growth, community and community inclusion.

CLBC is individualized funding, and an individual may also has the ability to use a Host Agency. We can be there to support you so that you are making the choices and we become the employer. Need to create an agent if they are individuals.

Host Agency

Individualized Funding enables adults to use money allocated by CLBC to create new, innovative service options and to make individual choices about how supports and services are provided. If your request is approved and funded, you will be able to decide and purchase supports that enable you to live independently, and participate, in your community.

When receiving Individualized funding through CLBC, you have two options to determine and arrange your own supports. You, or the person assisting you (your agent), might hire people directly to help you and manage the money yourself. This is called direct-funded IF; or, you may work with a Host Agency that will help manage the funds and choose and hire people to support you.

The Individualized Funding Resource Centre Society (IFRC) is a Community Living BC (CLBC) approved Host Agency. As a Host Agency, we are approved to administer the funds allocated to Adults. We work in partnership with the adult, and their families and support network, to manage the supports and services required so that independent living is successful; including education, advice and goal planning. The funding enables the adult to have a broad range of choices, and by giving them control over the decisions that affect their life and by working in partnership, we can help the adult achieve the future they desire.

Having a Host Agency enables the adult, their family and support network, to enjoy the benefits of the individualized funding without the time consuming administration tasks of being the employer on record. The IFRC provides personalized Consultation and a full range of Operational, Payroll, Human Resources and Staff Management support.

With the best supports and services in place, with an environment in which to thrive, the Adult will enjoy independence and the enhanced feeling of self worth, value and the knowing they are a part of the community.

Community Inclusion and Outreach Support

The IFRC works in collaboration with CLBC to provide the client outcomes that help direct and maintain our service standards for Community Inclusion-Home Based, Community Inclusion-Community-based and Outreach support.

Involvement in community events and activities is an important part of feeling included and enhancing an adult’s quality of life. Community inclusion may be the only CLBC support an adult receives, or it could be just one part of an overall plan.

Community inclusion is based on need for help in specific areas so that adults are included in their communities, with a better quality of life. Support includes ways to be involved, different ways to contribute with their strengths and interests which promotes independence, self governance and personal growth.

Community based support will help the adult take part in the community by promoting an adult’s right to participate in activities outside the home in a meaningful way.

Home Based support allows adults to receive Community Inclusion in their own home and focus on developing and maintaining personal relationships and friendships. Like community based support, this could include social and recreational activities.

We will assist adults to create and implement person centred plans, promote overall wellbeing, safety and good health and find important roles the adult can play in the community.

Outreach support is provided to adults who require assistance in creating their person centred plans and goals. Adults can receive any number of hours of service per day, as determined by CLBC and we will work with the Adult, families and their support network to create a service plan.

Our Community Support Workers and Host Agency Staff;

  • Community Support Workers role model positive living, such as dress, good hygiene, behaviour and lifestyle.
  • We ensure the health and safety at all times and our clients have COVID Safety plans in place
  • Our support staff mentor life skills such as budgeting, banking, meal preparation, grocery shopping, housekeeping, laundry, personal care, hygiene, how to use public transit, building healthy relationships.
  • Our staff will help the adult to schedule and ensure medical appointments are attended.
  • Ensure that the least restrictive approach to behaviour management and positive reinforcement is utilized at all times.

Please email our family liaison at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.